Sunday, May 22, 2016


Life is full of learning experiences, and I'm here to share every single one that I can. This is the first time I have a blog, first time I participate in a MOOC and the first time I'm using eTwinning. Many "firsts" in one week, but last time I recalled "firsts" are normally good, and good is always welcomed.  In this first entry I would like to share a little more about myself and what I am expecting participating in this MOOC. 
I'm a very busy mom and Secondary School English Teacher. I've been working since 2006, giving me a great 10 years of experience; experience in many different schools, teaching students from different cities in Andalusia. As important background information, I have to say that I've lived in the United States for 8 years, coursing there my elementary and high school studies. Thanks to this, I have dedicated my career to teaching English as a foreign language. For this I have to thank my dad, who has always looked for great opportunities to give us all that he can and more.
I found out about this MOOC through an email. This year I have been offered the opportunity to coordinate the English  bilingual project at my high school, and because of this I got forward all types of emails related to english teaching and one of them was about "Open eTwinning". I started investigating what it was because I have never heard of or used this platform. Seeming very interesting, I decided to give it a shot and learn through the experience of others, and share my own. I hope that by the end of this course I have the knowledge and tools to help me with my bilingual school project, project that will be put into practice starting the next school year. 
Great sharing with everyone!

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