Monday, June 27, 2016

Final Thoughts...

One of the last tasked asked for in the MOOC is to write down our final thoughts after completing the assignments proposed in the course. First of all,  I have to say that though I made it in time, its been a tough week with all the work at school, though its been  worth while since I have learned many new things to put into use next school year. These are the questions formulated by the MOOC for each participant to answer:

1. What have you learnt from the course? 
I have learned a lot about collaborative teaching and learning. The use of ICT tools is something I will definitely incorporate in my classroom, to a bigger extent than I have to the moment. I have learned how to use different tools online, and a number of ones I didn't know existed. 

2. What are the positive aspects of the MOOC? 

Positive aspects have been getting to learn from others, sharing experiences, and being able to talk about it with many like ourselves, from all parts of the world. Best part was being able to communicate with people around the globe!

3. What are the negative aspects of the MOOC?
Maybe the timing of the MOOC wasn't adjusted to all the labour I had to do at work, its been crazy last month at school.

4. What would you suggest to improve it?
I suggest offering the MOOC  at a better time during the school year, a more relaxed time if there is any :-)

Overall, this has been a great experience, and I am glad to have been able to share it with many teachers with the same needs as me. Thanks for reading, see you on the Network!

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